Parents & Students


Click the icon above to visit the Student Progress Center.  This site allows you to view your child's assignments, grades, attendance, discipline history, transcripts, and much more.  If you have not made an account, all you need is your child's social security number.  When you create your account, you will be asked for your child's PSN.  This number is the last five digits of your child's social security number.  If you have questions or need help, please contact the school's office or click on the Parent Portal icon for detailed instructions.

Student-Progress-Center-Brochure-PDF-revised-2020-10-28.pdf (

Riverside Dress Code


Click on image for dress code policy.

Where to buy?


Dollar Mania

French Toast (Link)

Old Navy

Sports World



Find My Bus Stop


Click on the bus icon for to find your child(s) bus stop through the Caddo Parish's Transportation Department.

Transportation Changes

All transportation changes should be submitted in writing and turned in to your child's teacher. Additionally, transportation changes should be requested before 1:30 pm.

Nursing Resources

resource center

Caddo Parish Nursing page has valuable information for both students and parents such as common illnesses and what to look for, immunization schedules, medication forms (forms authorizing the designated employee(s) on your child's campus to administer a prescription-based product) and the Parish's First Aid protocols.

***Children must be diarrhea, fever, and/or vomit free without medication for 24 hours prior to returning to school***