Do you need after school care for your RAM?
Please see the options below for daycare/after school care available through Riverside Elementary School.

Acrosports 318-868-3547
735 American Way, Shreveport
After School Program - Shreveport Athletic Center (
American Child 318-865-2710
426 E. Washington St, Shreveport
Before and After School Care - American Child Preschool and Child Care (
SeeSaw Learning Academy 318-249-2267
1200 South Pointe Parkway, Shreveport
YEP (Youth Enrichment Program) 318-865-0749
After School Program offered at Riverside from 2:50 until 6:00 pm
Documents – Youth Enrichment Program (
Young Years 318-797-4462
216 Sand Beach Blvd., Shreveport
Shreveport Child Care | Shreveport Daycare | Young Years CEC